I’m probably best known for my night-time cityscapes. I’ve sold plenty of them. You’ll see a lot of them on my website. What you don’t see is how they’re created.
This is a painting of downtown Indianapolis at night. I love the feeling of nighttime with its lights, colors, and sounds. I wanted to develop that atmosphere in this painting. First, I put a whole bunch of lights on the canvas with white blobs of paint. Next I put in blocks of buildings and try to develop a feeling of perspective. Most importantly to me are cars. I start drawing abstract automobile shapes, usually with one main car and pieces of cars behind it.
After they are sketched in, I start slapping color in, usually yellows and deep blues to create the feeling of streetlight and nighttime. I have to have red cars somewhere. The closer cars will have splashes of colors to show reflections of the colors around them.
So now you can see how I start. Check out my site in two or three nights to see how my painting is progressing.
Comments on Work in Progress
Christine Roach @ 12:19 am
That is going to be a great painting. I really miss heading over to your house and seeing all of your works in progress.
Jennifer @ 7:29 am
I am glad to see you back to painting cityscapes! They are what I love most that you do. I love how the road is turning out!
Susie @ 11:56 am
I love all of the lights and reflections. I can’t wait to see the finished project.