A few years ago my church was trying to decide which Christmas cards they should send to the congregation. One of the persons in the room said, “We should have Tom paint a picture for it.”
I had two really wonderful people pose for it. They are Isaac and Julie, a fantastic couple and parents of some beautiful children. They put towels on their heads and wrapped a doll in a blanket. I took several shots of them with my camera to get the idea of what I wanted to paint. I tried lighting on several sides.
I was very happy with the results. They portrayed Mary and Joseph beautifully, and this picture was sent to the members of the congregation. Merry Christmas.
Comments on The Holy Family
I think this is a beautiful depiction of the nativity. It gives an almost intimate look at Mary and Joseph at the sacred birth of Jesus Christ.
I especially like how Joseph is portrayed.
I LOVE THIS! I put it up on my shelf in the living room, every year!
A friend sent this to me as an E-card. I really like the portrayal of Mary and Joseph, but I am confused about the angel in the sky. I thought at the birth of Christ there was a star in sky and a multitude of angels. Who is this lone angel? I cannot find anything in the Holy Bible that speaks about one angel in the sky at this time blowing a horn. Thanks in advance for your explanation.
The angel in the painting is symbolic. I was trying to portray the good news of Christ with the light and an angel spreading the message. In Revelation 14:6 it says, “And I saw another angel fly in the midst of heaven, having the everlasting gospel to preach unto them that dwell in the earth, and to every nation, and kindred, and tongue and people.” I hope that helps, Debbie. I really didn’t want to paint the angels singing to the shepherds, just do a symbolic message of the beauty of the birth of Jesus.
I love this Christmas painting! I think Joseph has an ethnic feel that I imagine he would have.