Yesterday was the funeral for my dear brother-in-law, Clyde William Kump. He died from lung cancer. His widow, Rene, is only 49 years old. He has a posterity of children and grandchildren who will miss him.
I visited him in Missouri one last time a few weeks ago and hurried to paint this tribute to him and his wife. I hope Rene will find comfort in this remembrance. I put my whole heart and soul into it.
The painting was displayed at his viewing and funeral.
Comments on R.I.P. Clyde William Kump
I’m so sorry.
You did a beautiful job.
The portrait will be a beautiful memory for Aunt Rene and a source of comfort for her in the years to come.
I saw the portrait at the funeral. It is amazing.
I worked with Clyde at Parvus for a few years. He was a great man. I “ran” into him again (I had left the company a year or so before) at Best Buy and met his wife and heard of his cancer. I was happy to see him one more time and be able to talk with him. He seemed to be getting things in order which is a blessing in and of itself that he had time to do so. I wish the best for his dear wife, children, and especially the grandchildren he took into his home to raise. My God bless all.
I’m glad to see this picture up here. It is hanging up in out living room, and we all love it. You did such an amazing job. Thank you for painting it.