Playin’ the Blues
If you go to Joeyg’s in Madison, Indiana on weekend nights you may be serenaded by Roy Gentry and his band. He sings the blues. He stands up on a stage that is dimly lit and the atmosphere is great.
I’ve tried to portray what you would see if you were there. Roy is the one on the left. You should notice that most of the scene is painted very dark, almost black. All you see of the person in the middle is his head and arm. The man on the right has a face but no hair. You didn’t realize that because your mind put the missing parts in. It is actually all you would see.
When painting, try to portray things you really see, not what your mind says is there and your image will be more believable and pleasing.
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Comments on Playin’ the Blues
Sarah @ 7:58 pm
I like the atmosphere in this painting.
Christine @ 4:43 pm
This is so cool. You really caught the moment. I love it!
Margaret @ 10:24 am
I LIKE it! Great job of producing what one would perceive as a difficult picture – and you managed to capture it so well.
A. Josie: @ 1:17 pm
You get better and better, Tom. This one is great.
Susie @ 10:30 am
I can almost hear the music!
Charlie @ 3:46 am
That’s hanging in my room