I had the privelege of doing the portrait of Pastor Isaac. He has a church in Fort Wayne, Indiana. I wanted to portray him as a spiritual man with symbolic representation of the “light of the gospel.” I had him next to a sheer curtain which diffused the light on his robes and the opened Bible. I tried to give a delicate look to the pattern of the curtains, and wanted to give a shiny look to the gold sash on the robe. Hopefully I presented him and his message in a simple, yet sacred manner.
Comments on Pastor Isaac
Tom – Absolutely beautiful and poignant. Thank you for posting this on your website.
I love this portrait. I think you did a great job of portraying what is important to him. Isn’t this hanging in their church?
This is one of my favorite portraits. The use of light is absolutely beautiful and very symbolic. Awesome!!
Wow! You did an excellent job. One of the best! I am sure Pastor Isaac is very proud to own such a masterpiece!
What a magnificent painting! It looks like the heavens have opened and are shining down on him. This is the perfect use of light!