September 24, 2009 Paintings and Techniques 2 Filed under My Videos by Tom on Sep 24th, 2009. Comment. Tags: atmospheric perspective, linear perspective, painting reflection, shapes and values, youtube video Comments on Paintings and Techniques September 24, 2009 Reply Susie @ 8:54 am Excellent video! I love your explanations of shapes and values, light and reflection, linear and atmospheric perspective. October 1, 2009 Reply Christine @ 10:56 am I guess I don’t have to feel bad that I can’t take a class from you because you put up your classes on the internet. I’m so glad! Leave a Comment Click here to cancel reply. Name (*) Email (*) Url Fields marked by an asterisk (*) are required. Wordpress Hashcash needs javascript to work, but your browser has javascript disabled. Your comment will be queued in Akismet! Share Facebook Google+ Twitter Pinterest Email Print Delicious Digg Fark Google Instapaper LinkedIn MySpace Newsvine Pocket Readability Reddit StumbleUpon Tumblr Yahoo!
Comments on Paintings and Techniques
Excellent video! I love your explanations of shapes and values, light and reflection, linear and atmospheric perspective.
I guess I don’t have to feel bad that I can’t take a class from you because you put up your classes on the internet. I’m so glad!