This painting shows the early morning sunlight flooding over the ground. If you actually look at the color of early morning or late evening sunlight on grass, it is usually a light yellow. Many people just go ahead and paint the grass green, but it is not what they actually see. Since the sun is low to the horizon, the shadows are long. The sunlight is yellow, but the shadowy parts are green. There is a strong highlight on the person and the trees where the sunlight hits them, but a definite shadow on the other side. If you look at the flower pots you will see reflected yellow light which bounces up from the grass to their sides.
Comments on Painting Sunlight
I love this painting too, obviously, since it is hanging on my wall! Love you,
Just gorgeous — I feel warmer already!
What a neat idea to include a brief explanation about grass color and light.
Best to you and family,
This is one of my favorites. Everything about it – is GREAT!
This painting is so beautiful. I love the atmosphere. It is springtime and peace. Of course the woman on the bench is sooo pretty too.
The most beautiful part of this painting is the mood it creates with light and shadow. I had never noticed the reflected light on the flowerpot before.
Tom, you have posted another beautiful painting. I enjoyed reading your comments about it because I have noticed the difference in sun light for many years–how it changes at different times of the day and also seasons of the year. Love, A. Jean
At first glance, this painting appealed to me because of the colors. Learning about how you created sunlight with its shadows and reflections is fascinating. Now I want to go sit on the bench and have the warm sun shine on me. Your paintings really have a way of inviting people into them.
Tom, once again you have captured a beautiful moment – a person basking in the early morning sunshine, no doubt reflecting on all that must be accomplished over the course of another busy day – but for the moment, happy to sit quietly while energized by the sun’s warmth. Tom, your remarkable abilty to portray "light" whether in a sunlit park or in a darkened street scene continue to amaze me!
Tom, the picnic table in the background intrigues me with the detailed shadows from the tree leaves. Your picture evokes a calm, all is right with the world hometown feeling. Very breathtaking. The sunlight from this painting warms the soul.