Painting in Progress
It’s been 4 months since Tom completed a painting. He is still recovering from his surgery, and trying to regain the motor skills necessary to paint. I was thrilled when he sent me this painting in progress! -SF
He said: “This is a painting I’m trying to do. It’s a bridge going over the River Thames (London). The Houses of Parliament are on the other side. On the far right is someone playing the bagpipes. On the left is me taking a video of him.”
Filed under Oil Painting Technique by on .
Comments on Painting in Progress
Super cool! Way to go daddy. I’m so excited for the finished painting.
Welcome back, Tom! Your painting-in-progress is wonderful and I can hardly wait to see the finished product. I love the action so far. Way to go!!
I love that you put yourself in with a video camera! That gave me a smile. I’m excited to see what the painting looks like when you finish! I’m so glad you’re able to paint again!
Tom – I have always been amazed at the way you do shapes, and they turn into a beautiful painting! I love your use of shadow and light!
It is looking great, Daddy! I really enjoyed watching you work on it while I was at your house and can’t wait to see it finished. You are amazing.
Looks great! I am excited to see it finished. Your pictures always have such a feeling of excitement and make me want to travel.
Looking good! So glad to see you painting again, and that the painting is so very “you”. It will be fun to see what it looks like when it is finished!
Your paintings always make me want to step right in. I am glad you are able to start painting again!
It’s sure good to see that you are painting again. That is a beautiful painting.
Tom, it’s wonderful to see that you are painting again. Each day gets better and better.
Lots of love.
Hi Tom! It’s your RHI speech therapist checking up on you! I found the drawing you did of me in therapy while cleaning up my desk at home and thought I’d visit your site. I LOVE the unfinished painting already! You captured the swing of the lady’s step perfectly! Great work–keep it up.
@Mary Beth Powers:
Hi Mary Beth! What a pleasant surprise to hear from you! Thanks for your comment. Also, thanks so much for the help you gave me when I was a patient at RHI. You made a hard time so much more pleasant and I really enjoyed working with you. Norene and I have talked about you a lot.