Tom painted this after visiting Greektown in Detroit, Michigan. He wrote:

I got to this location early in the afternoon. I did this with backlighting. This way the people near the truck appear as silhouettes and the flags look as if light is showing through them. Shadows are cast from all of the objects. In addition, I used the technique of perspective (objects further in the distance become smaller), so it looks like you can walk right down the street. I also suggest using a car, person, or animal to add interest.


Tom is a master of painting reflection, as seen in his painting, “Leiden.”  -SF

Tom wrote:

This painting shows a canal in Leiden, Holland. Boats are pulled to the sides. Cars park right at the edge. You can see that I have tried to portray the reflections in the water of the boats, the colorful buildings and the trees. The portrayal of the cars is very simple — just a stripe or two of color.


It’s interesting how sunflowers turn and reach on their stems toward the sun. Tom painted these, showing the shadows created by the sun, as well as the different colors in the petals and leaves. -SF



Paddling a canoe has always been one of Tom’s favorite things to do. It seems fitting to post this beautiful painting on his surgery day. He has a long recuperation ahead of him, but if all goes well, he will be padding a canoe down a peaceful river in the near future. -SF