I’ve heard it said that the eyes are the windows of the soul. In my mind, the most important part of any portrait is its eyes. If one looks at someone’s eyes they will see reflections of light on the iris. The “whites” of the eyes are never white. The edge of the bottom eyelid is showing. There are many other things that are apparent. Lips aren’t smooth. Look closely at anyone and their lips will have ridges which have highlights and shadows. These are a couple of things I should mention about this painting.

I had this model next to a window to have natural illumination on half of her face. This was done to show shadow and light and make it more interesting. I wanted to focus on her features, so parts of her head go off the canvas.

The most powerful technique in painting this portrait was emotion. Just as a singer or a pianist put feeling into their performance, I have tried to do the same with my art. Some might argue that I could have a more realistic portrayal with a photograph, but this is art, not a photo.

I love this painting.


This painting is of the first miracle Jesus performed. You can read about it in John 2:1-11. There was a marriage in the city of Cana in Galillee. Mary, the mother of Jesus was there, and Jesus and his disciples attended. They wanted wine, but Mary told them it was gone. Jesus said, “Woman, what have I to do with thee?  Mine hour is not yet come.”  John 2:4.

Mary told the servants to do whatever Jesus told them to do. He told them to fill six water pots with water, so they filled them to the brim. They took them to the governor of the house. The ruler of the feast, when referring to the wine, was surprised they had saved the best wine for last, since the custom was to serve the best first. He was unaware that Jesus had turned the water into wine.

I wanted to portray the festive feeling of a wedding, so the two men at the right are enjoying a conversation. Mary is showing Jesus that the pitcher of wine is empty. My daughter, Sarah, made the costumes that appear in the painting. She also is the person who portrays Mary. I had three friends come pose for the others.


I remember almost a decade ago when Norene and I visited Paris with our son-in-law Will, our daughter Jennifer, and their kids Ashley, Zach, and Natalie. We did all of the fun stuff there. We went up the Eiffel Tower. We ate at outdoor restaurants. I loved seeing the artist’s stalls at Montmartre. We visited the Louvre and Musee d’Orsay. I enjoyed a ride down the Seine. The kids loved to climb all over everything. This painting is of Norene with Will and Jennifer’s family standing along the Seine River.

I’ve tried to portray the sun shining on them. You can see light on their left sides. There is light coming through slits in the bridge. Probably the main thing I have done is painting shapes. Look at the white skirt on Jennifer. It has shapes that are different colors. The whole painting is just a bunch of shapes.

I believe in having fun while painting. That’s what I did with this picture. I just slapped the paint on the canvas. I don’t care what anyone else thinks about it. It’s great as far as I’m concerned.


This set of paintings has been sold. I painted them after watching a friend perform in a jazz duo. The musicians and their instruments are highlighted by the reflection of light coming through the blinds on the windows.


I have been accepted into the 7th Annual Rising Sun Juried Art Exhibition. The month-long show at the Pendleton Art Center features works by nationally-renowned artists. I delivered two of my paintings on Saturday. If you live in the area, come check it out!

Rising Sun Juried Art Show and Exhibition
Pendleton Art Center
201 Main Street
Rising Sun, Indiana
May 6-27, 2011

May 6, 7-9 pm: Reception and Awards Presentation

For more information: http://www.artsinrisingsun.com/









This is a scene along the canal in downtown Indianapolis. It is beautiful at night because the city is reflected in the water.

I’ve painted windows into the dark background giving an illusion of a building straight ahead. That is what is actually seen. Your mind fills in the picture. I’ve used linear perspective – the canal is wider at the bottom than the top, giving the illusion of depth. The reflections are just squiggle lines directly below lighted areas. The couple walking on the right are painted with muted colors and very little detail. Again, your mind completes the scene.



As I have mentioned before, my life was spared after a long, horrible experience in the intensive care unit of the hospital. It was really a miracle I survived. Because of this, I am showing my thanks to God by painting pictures from the life of Jesus Christ.

In Luke 2:42-52, it says Jesus and his parents went to Jerusalem for the feast of the passover. When it was over, Jesus tarried in Jerusalem when his parents went back home. Mary and Joseph thought Jesus was coming back with the rest of the company. After a day, they asked their friends and relatives if they had seen him. They ended up going back to Jerusalem to look for him. After three days they found him in the temple “sitting in the midst of the doctors, both hearing them, and asking them questions.” The people there were astonished “at his understanding and answers.” Keep in mind he was a twelve year old boy.

Mary and Joseph found him. Mary rebuked him, saying she and his father (meaning Joseph) “have sought thee sorrowing.”

“And he said unto them, How is it that ye sought me?  Wist ye not that I must be about my Father’s business?” Jesus was speaking of his Father in Heaven, not Joseph.

I have painted this scene as I imagined it. I hope you like it.


About fifteen years ago, I went with my wife, her parents, and my mother on a trip to Britain to visit the homes of our ancestors. While we were in London, we wanted to see “The Phantom of the Opera.” It was in the fabulous Her Majesty’s Theater. What a gorgeous building! The show was the most fantastic thing I’ve ever seen. I was so overwhelmed by it!! When we walked outside afterwards, I was so moved by everything and I thought the city at night was absolutely beautiful. I loved the colors of the buildings with the spotlights on them.

Ever since then I’ve been thrilled by nighttime scenes. This one is from my home town Indianapolis, Indiana. I’ve created the feeling of the glow by having the light go upward instead of it coming from above, like during the day. I’ve spent a lot of time concentrating on the actual nighttime colors and have used them. They are actually different than what I thought they were. I have included three cars and six people to give some interest to the painting.