OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAMost people think of a “still-life” painting as something that has flowers in it.  To me, anything that is sitting motionless can be one.  For example, the salt, pepper, catsup, etc. at a restaurant.  What brings a painting to life is the separation of individual shapes and then painting them in their proper color or value.


OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAI have a Bradford Pear Tree in my front yard.  Each spring it is covered with little white blossoms.  I really hadn’t looked closely at them until this year.  I was surprised at how complex and beautiful they were.  I also was intrigued by the colors of the shadows and light on them so I decided to try to paint them.

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OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAFor many years I’d take my canoe to Mirror Lake in the Uinta mountains of Utah.  It’s elevation is 10,000 feet above sea level.  I loved the smell of the pine trees and the sound of the birds chirping.  I always went first thing in the morning since the fishing was best then.  I caught thousands of rainbow and brook trout.

The contrast between the light sky and the dark trees gives drama to the scene.  The red canoe  and the person are the center point of the painting.

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OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAThis is another self-portrait demo for one of the portrait classes I teach.  I always emphasize the eyes.  They’re what makes the whole picture come alive.  Sometimes artists are too conservative with their paint — they want to spread it out to save money, but I feel the liberal application of it gives energy to the picture.


OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAOne of my passions is wildflowers.  They are beautiful from above, but there’s a magic from the view below them.  This picture shows depth because of “atmospheric perspective.”  The flowers portrayed closer are painted larger than the ones further back.


OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAThis  is another England painting.  I love boats.  I love fishing.  I really like the sound of seagulls and enjoy watching the boats float up and down as the waves come in to shore.  This painting has a little bit different viewpoint than many I’ve done — it’s from above, looking at the harbor from the side.


OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAA few years ago my wife told me she wanted me to be like Rembrandt or Frida Kahlo who did annual self-portraits.  This is the fourth one.  Each time I’ve used different techniques.  This time I went for a more impressionistic method and each stroke can be viewed in the picture.