OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAWhenever I go to a track and field competition I’m awestruck when I see the well-toned bodies as they thunder down the track.  These athletes give every ounce of effort.  I’m inspired by them–it makes me want to apply the same resolve and determination to the tasks I’m trying to complete.

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OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAThis is a portrayal of boats in the harbor with the sunset reflected in the water.  I’ve painted a lot of boats and will continue to do so, but there is just something magic about that subject.  This painting is my personal expression, just as someone sings, etc.  I guess I was singing with my paint brush.

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OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAI was paddling my canoe at a small lake in southern Indiana.  As I went around a bend I noticed a heron hiding behind some grass.  I almost missed it.

This is a knife painting–instead of using brushes, the paint was applied by palette knife–it was loaded with paint, then wiped on the canvas.



A few years ago my wife encouraged me to do annual self-portraits.  Rembrandt and Kahlo always did so she thought I should.  This is my seventh.  It’s different than the others because my face is done in profile.



A typical day for a mother with a baby is overwhelming.  She’s constantly involved with that child–maybe it won’t let her put it down.  Anything else in her life is secondary.  The baby needs to be fed, changed, bathed and comforted.  Most of all, loved.  Even though the mom is physically and mentally worn out at the end of the day, she absolutely loves that little child.

I’ve done hundreds of paintings, but I’ve felt more emotion with this one than any other.  It’s my favorite.

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OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAThere is no stronger love than a mother’s love for her child.  She hurts when the child hurts — she laughs when the child laughs — she goes without sleep for the child —  she loves her child unconditionally.  She would sacrifice her life for her child.  This painting represents that sacred love.

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OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAI teach a lot of portrait classes.  We start with drawing the face — first of all, where the features go.  Next we do the eyes.  After the eyes we concentrate on the lips and nose.  After four weeks of drawing, I teach them to paint faces.

Here is a self-portrait demo from a recent class.  To me, the eyes are most important.  That’s my biggest concern.  I also have the students divide the shapes and shadows of the face and try to match the colors they actually see.  I’m a believer in painting with emotion — not just trying to create a photo-realistic image.