OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAMichael Robinson holds his daughter in the newborn intensive care unit.  He was never able to hear her cry.  He only held her four times.  Unfortunately, she passed away.  I’ve tried to portray his tender feelings to the newborn daughter who wasn’t going to make it.

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OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERALen Cheatham followed his dream from age five through college and beyond–to be a cellist. After majoring in cello performance he played in a symphony in North Carolina and is a member of the Hendricks Symphony Orchestra.  He gives cello recitals and plays in “gigs”, like weddings, etc.  I’ve tried to portray him in his element–as someone who is obsessed by the opportunity to play his cello.

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OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERABridport is in Dorset on the southern coast of England.  It is the home of my ancestors.  I’ve tried to just portray a feeling.  The sun lights up the houses on the hills while the boats reflect in the water.


OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERARecently my wife and I visited New Orleans.  We enjoyed walking around in the French Quarter.  While we were going down Royal Street a gallery caught my eye–Gallery B. Foss.  We went inside.  The artwork was really exciting–mostly knife painting in abstractions of scenes in the area.  I was pleasantly surprised to talk to the gallery director –Connor Chestnut.  I’ve rarely been treated so warmly by anyone.  She was so happy and kind.  The art was great, but I’ve not gotten over what a fantastic person she is.  I hope this portrays the happy person she is.

If you’re ever in New Orleans, stop by at the gallery, 922 Royal Street.

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OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERANathan Logan is a graduate of the Miller School of Business at Ball State University.  He works as a Risk Management Specialist.  He’s married to a very beautiful wife, Michelle, and they have four children.

I really enjoyed doing this portrait.  I tried to portray his personality, and I think I was successful.

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