David and Kathy’s Pole Barn
If you look at my blog on August 20, 2008, you’ll see a video clip of me with a couple of friends doing plein air painting in Brown County, Indiana. The property belongs to David and Kathy Martin. David built this barn. It is surrounded by beautiful flowers and trees. The atmosphere is delightful. I was there with one of my best friends, David Owen, one of Indiana’s upcoming artists. I think he’s a lot better plein air artist than I am, so I enjoy being with him so I can learn.
This kind of painting is out of doors on the scene. You slap the paint on fast and try to show emotion in your work. It’s a lot harder than it looks, but it is very fulfilling. The hardest part of painting out of doors is that the sun moves rapidly across the sky, changing shadows and light constantly.
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Comments on David and Kathy’s Pole Barn
In my very limited painting experience, I am amazed how you can put a few swipes of color here and there and make it look like something with real character. It amazes me how you mix just the right color to portray a feeling or moment in time!
What a pretty farm. Good choice for a painting!
I don’t think I’ve ever seen such a beautiful barn! The fence and posts add a lot of character and the trees and flowers are so colorful. Love it!!