My wife wanted me to paint a still life. I told her to go ahead and set up the scene, but make sure it was somewhat difficult. She pulled out her clarinet. She played it in Junior High. I don’t know if it has seen the light of day since then.
I lit everything from the right side. Notice the reflected light on the bottom of the bell and the light directly from the lamp. The mouthpiece cover has the same type of lighting.
Comments on Clarinet
I REALLY love this clarinet! Everything in the painting, including the walls, etc look incredible!
Tom, you are a great husband. Norene will probably treasure this painting forever. Her deliberate actions of choosing this subject for you to paint, shows that it is something dear to her with fond childhood memories. The painting is very nice, Tom. I especially like the bust of the musician on the side of the instrument. It gives the painting added interest.
For years, I had a bust of Hayden (the composer) on my piano. When my son named his baby boy Hayden, I thought that was interesting.
I love the subject of the still life! The reflections on the still life are very interesting–your specialty!
I played the clarinet too! I love the colors. Norene has a talent for setting up still lifes.
Tom, you have made a "lowly" musical instrument into a very classy work of art! Just kidding, of course. As a musician, we often joke about the clarinet not being as beautiful as other instruments, but you have proven us wrong. Your signature use of light reflection and color are outstanding in this piece. You can paint ANYTHING and make it beautiful! In addition, you have a wife who really knows her stuff in this business. What a team!!
I love how you painted the metal on the clarinet. It is interesting what colors you used to portray metal and light and shininess.
Hey Dad, I played that clarinet too! I love the painting.
When I first read that Tom had painted Norene’s clarinet, I wondered how she would be able to play it again. Then I saw the picture of the painting. Don’t ever grow old. It’s not worth it, even with senior discounts.