This is a painting of a dear friend. His name is John Frazee. I became aquainted with him when he called on the phone and asked if he could take painting lessons from me. I became very good friends with him. There were three or four of us who painted together. We were all very good buddies. We went many places to paint together. This painting is of him in his basement. He had some metalworking tools he wanted to show me. My wife and I have had dinner with him and his wife, Lucille, many times.
I’m saddened, though, because he is in the hospital being kept alive on a respirator. He went in for a five bypass surgery. Complications happened shortly after. I hope he’ll be okay. He has really meant a lot to me in my life.
Comments on Artisan
Thanks for posting this Tom, I’ve only met John a few times, but he is always fun to talk to. I hate to hear he is not doing well. I’ll keep a good thought for him and hope he gets well soon.
I’m so sad to hear about John. He is a great guy. This is a great portrait. I love that it shows him doing something he loves.