Brian’s Niece

Brian’s mom was excited because he discovered his niece.  She wanted me to paint the wonder he felt in his eyes when this happened.

There are some techniques I’ve used that were fun for me.  I actually painted Brian in a green undercoat, then put skin-tones over it.  The carpet was red so I painted it that color, but put strokes of blue over it to give a shadow effect.  Notice the colors in the white clothing, also the blue in Brian’s hair.

This painting was done in an expressionistic manner to match Brian’s unique and wonderful personality.

Comments on Brian’s Niece

June 17, 2009

Christine Roach @ 8:31 am #

I like this painting. It illustrates the wonder one feels around a new life.

Larraine @ 6:32 pm #

I’ve always LOVED this one. I love all the colors you used, and the cute guy is my favorite!

June 18, 2009

Barb @ 7:18 pm #

This is my all-time favorite painting! Thanks so much for giving me such a remarkable remembrance of the occasion. The baby in the picture, now a young teen with two remarkable older sibs, finds great solace in the fact that she is in a painting, while for all their great accomplishments, they are not!