I’ve always loved driving my car during rainy nights. The reflections in the road are amazing! This is on Main Street in Greenwood, Indiana. You see the reflections of taillights and store fronts. The white car in the front is illuminated by the headlights of the car behind it and the road reflects the back of it. Red taillights give the sky a reddish glow and the streetlight shines, illuminating the stores on the left.
Comments on Main Street Drizzle
The uses of light are intriguing in this painting and particularly the “glow” of the white car.
I love this painting. It is beautiful and really showcases the colors that are reflected from the lights in the evening during a rainstorm. I especially love the use of all the red in the reflections. Very nice.
It is amazing intense colors can be at night in the reflections off of the water! Beautiful painting
Tom, I stand in awe of your ability to capture the reflections of light on a rainy night. Each time I see another of your “rainy” paintings, I feel the same sense of breathless wonder. I love being out on rainy nights, and, whether I’m in Idaho, California, Utah, or someplace else on those times, I consistently find myself thinking, “If only Tom could do a painting of this!” (Along with that comes the bitter-sweet rush of emotion that translates into “Oh, how I miss Tom!”
Another one of my favorites 🙂